Ami was a big brother. He was a father. He was an uncle. And a pain in the ass.
He was a master adopter. He was a master adapter. He was a saint. He was a hustler. He was a rock.
He was relentless. He was ruthless. He was peerless. He was shameless. He was timeless.
He was giving. He was demanding. He was kind. He was brutal. He was focused. He was visionary.
He was honest. He was cunning. He was ambitious. He was principled. He was fearless. He was careful.
He was inspiring. He was straight-forward. He was sensitive. He was provocative.
He was a guru. He was a pragmatist. He was forgiving. He was vengeful. He was fun. He was irritating. He was clear. He was an enigma.
Ami is an icon. He is a guide. He is an inspiration. He is an example. He is irreplaceable. He is alive. He is me.