The past year laid a solid ground for the tissue paper market, with the global pandemic bringing the importance of tissue paper to its peak. In this setting, sustainable household paper brand Lambi wanted to highlight caring for nature, efforts for increased sustainability and an overall higher quality in production compared to other similar products.
hasan & partners took the Lambi brand out of hygiene, a category rarely associated with magic and emotions, and brought the brand closer to the lifestyle category. Translating Lambi’s sustainability efforts and high quality into a campaign far from the usual tissue paper visuals was also noted internationally in articles in LBBOnline and Ads of the World.
“We wanted to create Lambi a world of its own – a magical, beautiful, sustainable world of softness where time stands still. We had a lot of very talented people from different countries working with the campaign and I would especially like to thank our clients who had the courage and the high ambition level to do something completely extraordinary for its product category”, Pauline Korp, the campaign Creative, describes the innovative approach.
"I would especially like to thank our clients who had the courage and the high ambition level to do something completely extraordinary for its product category"
— Pauline Korp, Creative